Monday, October 18, 2010

Under the White Moon’s Shadow

Under the shadow of a white, waxing, mammoth moon,
Looming over distant square edifices,
Fall has creeped onto the shoulders of leaves,
Peeling away green,
Revealing petulant yellows
Mortified by licks of rouge.

The slanting sun rains down
The last of its light
Taming the breeze, brimful
Of the first real chill of the season.

A lone white toy glider
Owning the blue endlessness
Of fall’s cloud-less evening.

Swaying alone among the sea of grass,
I christen it the ‘Soli-tree’
As the yolk of october sun recedes,
Behind it, through it.

Flamboyant dawns etch images
On pixels – that struggle to diminish
Noise, in ruby rainbows at dusk.

Sometimes, after one has been,
Places where one has to be,
Joy and peace in life, cease being a measure
Of what will life be like, a year thenceforth.

Sometimes, after one has done,
Things that one has to do,
Wayward wind wafts a random fountain’s spray
Painting partial rainbows where one ambles onward.

Sep 21st & Oct 17th, 2010.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

High-Pass Filter

Does it matter much if you can’t recall ‘em?
That day, when clouds painted the sky in odd patches,
Faint drizzle sharpened the fall foliage,
Grumbling drivers huddled in their hatchbacks.

Does it matter much if you can’t recall ‘em?
That noon, when an odd girl in cowboy boots, hair flowing,
Walked into this lunch café, unsure of the menu,
Wanting to be, somewhere she could slurp.

Does it matter much if you can’t recall ‘em?
All those times, when your eyes rested softly instead
On curling hair, on an unusual dirt-less sole,
On the lilting strings of a fluted conversation.

Does it matter much if you didn’t keep ‘em?
The first this and the final that,
The day you couldn’t find the way back,
The post card that never reached you...

Does it not matter much if you still feel them?
A certain song bringing your heart to your mouth,
A memory twinkling embers into oft-brooding eyes,
A goodbye coursing like blood through your veins.

Sep 27th & Oct 10th, 2010.