Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where Solitude Failed

What years spent with solitude
Couldn’t manage –
Was to weed out the sturdy roots
Of longing,
The innocent unachievable longing
Of being understood…

Treading the cobbled silences of soul,
Prying, easing out shy sorrows
And gifting them with words –
Hasn’t helped thwart
By an ounce –
That longing.

How cruel a partner,
Despite ages of being together,
Solitude can be sometimes,
Flaunting its many tints –
Searing snowy silence,
Lightless loneliness,
Dark despair.

What solitude couldn’t teach,
Was to merge in its shades.

The curve of her serene features,
You know not;
Nor the hue of those sinkable drinkable eyes.
All you have is a dream,
A patient little wish,
A light that glows and fills you up,
A flame you make from lighting things;
Things un-had
Things you may never live to see.

What solitude couldn’t manage,
Was to dim your dream.

You still catch the glisten,
Of those unknown knowing eyes
In uncast shadows
On moonless nights.

What solitude couldn’t teach,
Was to shutter the sinuous sidewalks
With endless windows opening
Into depths of those dewy dreamt eyes.

What solitude couldn’t manage,
Was to curb the restlessness of your fingers,
Ever-longing for the warmth of proximity.

Where solitude failed
Was in taming the tremor of your touch
As you embrace,
Another dreamt-up angel
In pursuit of fulfilment.

Nov 18th, 2009.


  1. ah, there is so much to take home from this poem Madeeha. Its such an experience to understand the absolute ironies of life, like you so aptly say, " cruel a ..solitude"

    its a gem of a poem, again.

    God bless you.

  2. Solitude. Did you read that story by Guy De Maupassant?
