Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Doomsday Reprieve

[‘Let the elements hold their peace,
The sun, its hellfire;
The moon, its borrowed hue…
Stall the rampage of chaos,
Until that hour.’]

What hour?
When is the hour?
The hour when we are allowed grace,
Grace to recuperate,
From having to keep lying.
The hour when we are allowed the dignity,
To break down and not feel ashamed,
From the hurt of knowing our ignorance.

And then the grand sorting,
Right on the right, right?

Tell me I will for once, in that fated hour,
When I look through – know what you think,
And you what I.
In the long-sought attainment of certainty
This life may finally make sense…
All else is but gravy,
For even the anticipated drama of hell
Will be heaven after...
The meticulously veiled chaos
Of this living world.

May 5, 2010.

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