Sunday, February 13, 2011

As Dreamers do

Snow no more, it will soon.

Someone will walk, drag their weary body yet
From a mid-May springtime, to a scorching June
Where the blundering, mystifying, greening rains
Light up hearts with a thousand colors –
In a land where it snows not.

Come February, and fist-sized Sambal
Shall paint the dried up, mist-borne landscape –
A flaming rouge…
Someone will pause, pause amidst the splendor
And smile for snowflakes
Those tiny memoirs of a cold cold warmth.

Dreamers shall weave newer dreams yet,
With their novel amalgamated palette –
Blending the light of longed-for sun-rays
Into the magical romance of soul-drenching rains.
Sun and rain –
Rainbows, myriads of splinters of color
Shall burst forth from a frail presence.

Someone will have the leisure,
The leisure and the heart –
To twirl a thought in their fingers
Just long enough
To paint a canvas yet.

More verses shall be written yet.

Feb 13th, 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Someone will have the leisure,
    The leisure and the heart –
    To twirl a thought in their fingers
    Just long enough

